MH splash event

Dragi prieteni si colegi,
Daca cineva v-ar intreba ce va amintiti despre 2021, ce i-ati raspunde? Sa fie ultimul an al Marii terori covidiene? Al amenintarii rusesti cu invazia Ucrainei? Al crizelor energetica, alimentara sau politica din Romania? Probabil ca toate raspunsurile sunt corecte, dar pentru mine, merita adaugat si un eveniment fericit pe lista amintirilor: GastroMarathon 2021. Ca un protest impotriva pandemiei ati umplut pana la refuz sala mare de la Novotel, inca 200 dintre Dumneavoastra conectandu-se online pentru a-i urmari pe Marianna Arvanitakis, pe Andrea Tringali, pe Michael Chiorean si pe Giulio Antonelli, precum si pe expertii din Romania vorbind despre  viitorul inteligentei artificiale, despre explorarea unor teritorii greu accesibile precum intestinul subtire sau caile biliare, despre tratamentul cancerelor precoce, dar si al cazurilor avansate, despre dificultati si capcane intalnite in terapia bolilor inflamatorii intestinale. Ca niste prieteni de-ai casei ne-ati adus propriile cazuri interesante pentru cunoastere si pentru discutii si marturisim ca ne-a facut mare placere!
Cu amintirea celor doua zile pline de discutii stiintifice, cum am putea sa nu ne respectam promisiunea de a face de la an la an mai bine?

Pentru 25-26 noiembrie 2022 va propun un nou GastroMarathon la Ramada Parc. Alaturi de echipa Colentinei vor fi personalitati marcante precum Marc Barthet, Alberto Larghi, Michael Chiorean, Andrea Tringali, Vasile Bintintan, Mugur Grasu, Lucian Negreanu, Marcel Tantau, Adrian Saftoiu, Octav Ginghina sau Eugen Dumitru, dar oaspetii cei mai de seama sunteti Dumneavoastra. Va rog sa va aduceti cazurile, intrebarile si opiniile, pe care sa le discutam relaxat in aceste doua zile. Cei mai buni si mai activi participanti vor fi premiati, asa cum se cuvine la sfarsitul unui maraton. Editia 2022 a GastroMarathonului se va desfasura sub patronajul Societatii Europene de Endoscopie Gastrointestinala (ESGE), si al Societatii Romane de Endoscopie Digestiva (SRED), avand ca parteneri si sponsori cele mai prestigioase companii din domeniul tehnologiei medicale si farmaceutice.  

Daca m-as pricepe la previziuni as spune ca planetele par aliniate pentru succesul GM 2022. 

Va asteptam la start!

Prof. dr. Bogdan Mateescu



Folositi cautarea dupa zi, sala, titlu, lector

Orar Titlu Lector
09:00-09:15 Welcome and introductions
Challenging endoscopy cases (1): 
1. Stents and stones can break your bones: a troublesome ERCP (A.Voiosu) 
2. Tackling WOPN – not for the faint of heart (A. Saftoiu) 
3. Red-out: my worst bleeding case (E. Dumitru)
Chairs: M. Barthet, B. Mateescu, M. Grasu, O. Ginghina, A. Larghi 
State of the art:  Third space Endoscopy: what have we learned and where are we going? 
M. Barthet
11:00-11:20 Takeda Symposium: Mucosal healing after biologic therapy – a primer for the endoscopist T. Voiosu
11:20-11:40 Coffee break
Challenging endoscopy cases (2): 
1. A hard to place stent or a hard place to stent? (C. Mocanu) 
2. Unexpected guest in the small bowel (L. Negreanu) 
3. Inspect, diagnose and dissect: the tale of a rectal polyp (M. Tantau) 
4. When endoscopy fails, radiology to the rescue! (M. Grasu) 
Chairs:A. Tringali, E. Dumitru, A. Voiosu, V. Bintintan
13:00-13:30 State of the art 2: Recognizing and managing ERCP-related complications A. Tringali
13:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-14:50 Olympus symposium: Scope for the future, today ! A. Haidar
14:50-15:20 State of the art: EUS-RFA for pancreatic NETs how to do it, who should be treated and long-term results A. Larghi
How to improve your endoscopic practice: a pragmatic discussion with the experts :
1.     To biopsy or not to biopsy? That is the question ! (C. Diaconu)
2.     Examining the upper GI tract: more than meets the eye. (A. Voiosu)
3.     Management of small colorectal polyps: a do-it-yourself crash course. (T. Voiosu) 
Chairs: B. Mateescu, A. Saftoiu, L. Negreanu, M. Tantau, E. Dumitru, A. Haidar
Sofmedica/Fuji Symposium: Avoiding the midnight bleeder – prevention is the key!
A. Voiosu
Boston Scientific case-session and award for the best case submitted from the audience (C.Pavel) 
R. Voiosu, B.Mateescu 
16:50-17:00 Closing remarks B. Matescu
09:00-09:15 Opening remarks B. Matescu
Challenging cases in IBD:
1.     Failing your 3rd biologic. What next? (M. State)
2.     Surgical management of a complex case of fistulizing Crohn’s disease (V. Bintintan)
3.     My worst COVID + IBD (L. Negreanu) 
4.     Tough-to-spot: dysplastic lesion in long-standing ulcerative colitis (A.Constantin) 
Chairs: M. Chiorean, T. Voiosu, M. Rimbas, V. Bintintan 
Ewopharma Symposium: Going biosimilar – a success story in IBD 
M. State / B.Mateescu 
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-12:00 State of the art in IBD: Great expectations: one patient = two biologics ? Michael Chiorean
IBD Debate/ Meet the experts
Open debate – clinical case with references to guidelines and panel discussion:
1.     IBD: always plan ahead (M.Ifrim)
2.     Colonic strictures in Crohn’s disease: Running the straight and narrow path (A. Davidoiu)
3.     Procrastination is the thief of time… (R.Prodan) 
B. Mateescu, L. Negreanu, E. Dumitru, A. Saftoiu, M. Chiorean 
Lunch break
Jansen Symponsium: From studies to real life practice: welcoming the new kid on the block
B. Mateescu / A.Bengus 
Challenging cases in IBD:
1.     Multiple strictures in Crohn’s disease: wait or inflate ? (T. Georgescu) 
2.     50 Shades of grey: ultrasound to the rescue (M. Rimbas)
3.     The one I remember best: an ulcerative colitis nightmare (V.Cornea) 
Chairs: M. Chiorean, A. Saftoiu, L.Negreanu, A. Haidar 
15:40-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-16:20 Pfizer Symposium: Escaping the IBD Matrix: red pill or blue pill ? B. Matescu
Origins and Continuity: a Romanian collaborative project 
Closing remarks
B. Matescu


Sp. Colentina
Sunwave Pharma


Coordonator eveniment

Daca aveti intrebari despre organizarea, inscrierea sau participarea dumneavoastra la eveniment

Alexandra Cîrnu

+40 21 3156511; 0742355773

Lun-Vin 9am - 6pm

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Daca semnalati sau intampinati probleme tehnice in utilizarea platformei puteti cere asistenta la numerele de mai jos

Alexandru Petrescu

+40 748 100 285

Lun-Vin 9am - 6pm